Journal of Economic and Business Studies2024-12-30T00:00:00+05:00Anel A Kireyevainfo@ejebs.comOpen Journal Systems<p><strong>Eurasian Journal of Economic and Business Studies (EJEBS) </strong>is the double-blind peer-reviewed journal focused on publishing scientific research in the field of economic and business development in the Eurasian context. Articles on economic development, business management, organizational strategy, and improving the competitiveness of enterprises in the Eurasian region are especially encouraged.</p> <p><strong>Eurasian Journal of Economic and Business Studies (EJEBS) </strong>performs the work based on the applicable legislation in the field of publication and distribution of the periodic editions, UIB сharter, other local normative acts as well as editorial policy, accepted by the editorial board of the journal.</p> <h2 class="subhead">Journal coverage includes</h2> <ul> <li>Issues of economic development</li> <li>International economic relations</li> <li>Business management and entrepreneurship</li> <li>Financial science and financial institutions</li> <li>Economics of labor and employment</li> <li>Sustainable development and environmental economics</li> <li>Marketing and tourism development strategies</li> </ul> the Feasibility of Sustainable Consumer Behavior Among Generation Z Youth in Almaty2024-10-30T00:25:19+05:00Dinara Satybaldiyevad.satybaldiyeva@satbayev.universityZhazira Tymbayevazh.tymbayeva@satbayev.universityZhazira Kakitayevakakitayeva@gmail.comAigerim<p>One of the pressing global challenges today is managing humanity’s unlimited needs with limited resources, emphasizing fostering sustainable consumption. This study aims to identify the key factors influencing adopting sustainable consumption behaviors among Generation Z, an active consumer segment, and evaluate the potential for their transition to sustainable consumption. A survey results, highlighted the primary influences and barriers to sustainable consumer behavior. A survey was conducted among 221 participants from Generation Z, aged 18-23, to examine the key motivators and obstacles to adopting sustainable consumer habits. The findings indicate that Generation Z is positive towards essential prerequisites for sustainable consumption. Furthermore, the study reveals that 85% of the surveyed representatives of Generation Z are familiar with sustainable consumption, and 59% believe that consumers play a crucial role in its promotion. At the same time, 67% of respondents sort waste at least sometimes, and 75% save water and energy. It concludes that, with proper support and encouragement, Generation Z could play a pivotal role in promoting and adopting sustainable consumption practices, contributing to broader sustainability goals. These insights guide efforts to promote sustainable consumption for policymakers and educators and inform the development of targeted strategies that resonate with this demographic's unique perspectives. The present study was conducted among participants from the city of Almaty, and further research could focus on other large cities and rural areas of Kazakhstan.</p>2024-12-30T00:00:00+05:00Copyright (c) 2024 Impact of Economic Growth on Sustainable Development: an Analysis of ESG Indicators2024-11-07T15:03:29+05:00Gaukhar<p>This study aims to evaluate economic growth's impact on key sustainability components, including carbon productivity, ecological conditions, healthcare, social well-being, and education. This paper employs Principal Component Analysis (PCA) to group complex ESG indicators into five distinct categories, followed by quadratic regression modeling to capture nonlinear relationships between GDP growth and each ESG component. The study uses statistical data collected from national and international sources for the period 2012-2022. The analysis showed that the impact of economic growth on ESG indicators in Kazakhstan is expressed heterogeneously. Economic growth showed the greatest correlation with education indicators (R2 = 0.696, p<0.01), indicating a significant improvement in the educational sector as GDP per capita increases. At the same time, the impact on environmental indicators turned out to be weaker (R2 = 0.352, p = 0.176), which indicates minor improvements in the environment that require additional environmental initiatives. Economic growth had the least impact on carbon productivity, with R2 = 0.13 (p = 0.58), which underlines the need for targeted measures to improve carbon efficiency. The results highlight that although economic growth contributes to social and educational development, specific ESG-oriented strategies are required to achieve sustainable development in Kazakhstan, especially in the field of carbon efficiency. Therefore, Future research may be aimed at localizing ESG metrics, evaluating the effectiveness of programs in the socio-environmental field, and creating multifactorial models for ESG analysis.</p>2024-12-30T00:00:00+05:00Copyright (c) 2024 Agricultural Transformation: Insights from the Emilia-Romagna Region2024-11-24T00:26:10+05:00Massimo Bianchibianchimassimi1@gmail.comGabriella Paganellibianchimassimi1@gmail.comPatrizia Gazzolabianchimassimi1@gmail.comElena<p>Today, Kazakhstan's agricultural industry remains one of the most risk-prone, heavily influenced by adverse weather conditions, volatile market prices, and insufficient infrastructure. The study aims to assess opportunities for enhancing Kazakhstan's agricultural sector's competitiveness through the adoption of smart technologies, drawing lessons from the Emilia-Romagna region in Italy. The research employs a combination of comparative analysis and case study methodologies to evaluate the applicability of international best practices in the context of Kazakhstan's agricultural development. The study relies on a variety of data sources, including government reports, international case studies, and performance metrics from both Kazakhstan and the Emilia Romagna Region. The findings demonstrate that integrating technologies such as IoT, robotics, and blockchain can improve productivity, sustainability, and market attractiveness in the agricultural sector. The study also highlights the need to enhance farmer and manager competencies and promote family businesses and cooperatives. By adopting these strategies, Kazakhstan could address the existing challenges in its agricultural sector, reduce vulnerabilities, and create a more robust agro-industrial ecosystem. Future research should focus on developing specific pilot programs that apply these integrated approaches at a regional level, as well as assessing the long-term impacts of digital and sustainable practices in enhancing the competitiveness of Kazakhstan's agricultural sector.</p>2024-12-30T00:00:00+05:00Copyright (c) 2024 of Sustainable Agricultural Development in Kazakhstan: Key Economic and Climatic Indicators2024-12-03T14:20:13+05:00Yerkezhan Kenzhealie.kenzheali@gmail.comAnar<p>Agriculture is a key sector in Kazakhstan's economy, contributing significantly to employment and GDP. However, geographic, climatic, economic, and policy-related factors contribute to substantial regional differences in agricultural performance. This paper aims to assess the level of agricultural development across Kazakhstan's regions using an integral index based on key variables that influence productivity, such as soil surface temperature, producer price indices, total sown area, employment figures, and domestic R&D expenditure. The paper used the following methods: correlation analysis to determine the relationship, regression analysis after filtering variables, integral index for a generalized assessment of agricultural productivity by region, and cartographic analysis. The findings highlight significant geographical variations, with regions like Almaty and Turkestan showing high productivity, benefiting from favorable climatic conditions and infrastructure. In contrast, regions such as North Kazakhstan and Pavlodar need to catch up, primarily due to harsher environmental conditions and lower investment levels. These differences point to the need for a targeted approach aimed at supporting less developed regions, as well as the dissemination of best practices from successful areas. The cartographic analysis visualizes these imbalances. The southern regions are highlighted as zones of high productivity, while the northern and eastern regions are shown as risk zones that require priority attention and resources. This research underscores the need for adaptive strategies to address regional inequalities, aiming to boost agricultural productivity and foster sustainable growth across Kazakhstan.</p>2024-12-30T00:00:00+05:00Copyright (c) 2024 Impact of Economic and Environmental Factors on the Consumption of Renewable Energy: The Case of Kazakhstan2024-12-01T02:35:55+05:00Akmaral Smatayevaakmaralka_07@mail.ruZhansaya Temerbulatovat.zhansaya.s@mail.ruTolkyn<p>The article examines the impact of economic and environmental factors on the consumption of renewable energy sources (RES) in Kazakhstan. The study is based on a quantitative analysis of data, including adjusted net savings (ANS), the share of renewable electricity output (REO), and carbon dioxide (CO₂) emissions per capita. The dependent variable in this analysis is the share of renewable energy in the total final energy consumption. The results of the regression analysis revealed the following relationships: an increase in the share of electricity production from renewable energy sources (REO) by 1% leads to an increase in their consumption by 0.119% (p < 0.01), which is associated with reduced production costs and improved accessibility. Adjusted net savings (ANS) also have a positive effect: their growth by 1% increases renewable energy consumption by 0.055% (p < 0.05), confirming the role of economic stability and investment in the development of green energy. At the same time, an increase in CO₂ emissions negatively affects renewable energy consumption, decreasing it by 0.154% for each additional ton of CO₂ per capita (p < 0.01), which is explained by the predominance of traditional hydrocarbon energy sources. The study highlights that the sustainable development of renewable energy sources requires a comprehensive approach, including the stimulation of its production, reduction of carbon emissions, and maintenance of economic stability. The results have practical value for the formation of Kazakhstan's state policy aimed at transition to sustainable energy and reducing environmental pressure.</p>2024-12-30T00:00:00+05:00Copyright (c) 2024 of Tourism’s Impact on the Economy, Employment, and Export Potential of Kazakhstan2024-12-09T12:23:04+05:00Kuralay Balginovak_balginova@mail.ruAltynay Maukenovamigration_project_2021@mail.ruAida Aimagambetova23aida@mail.ruAigul Alibekovagsmaktobe1@mail.ruGulnara<p>In Kazakhstan, the tourism sector exhibits significant potential to contribute to the national economy through its influence on employment dynamics, gross value added, and trade balances. However, challenges such as gender disparities in employment and varying contributions to goods and services exports highlight the need for deeper analysis. This study aimed to examine the impact of tourism on Kazakhstan’s economy, focusing on employment trends, gross value added, and trade performance. The data from 2012 to 2022 provided by the Bureau of National Statistics of the Republic of Kazakhstan were analyzed using the ARIMA model. The analysis showed that the average value added from tourism (GVAT) over the period amounted to 2,050.5 billion tenge, peaking at 3,270.1 billion tenges in 2022. The share of GVAT in GDP ranged from 2.9% to 4.1%, confirming its stable contribution to the economy. Foreign tourists' spending significantly contributed to GVAT growth, while domestic spending had a minimal impact. Key findings revealed stable growth in tourism’s contribution to GDP and employment, with significant disparities in male and female employment trends, particularly in recent years. The findings of the study emphasize the need to attract high-spending tourists, promote gender equality in employment, and expand exports of services as key areas for sustainable tourism growth in Kazakhstan. In future studies, it is proposed that the impact of environmental factors on tourism development and gender barriers to employment be studied in depth.</p>2024-12-30T00:00:00+05:00Copyright (c) 2024 Role of Deposits and Securities in Shaping Banking Operations and Mutual Funds in Kazakhstan2024-12-21T17:53:31+05:00Lyudmila Kan21220835@turan-edu.kzZhanat Malgarayevazhanat.malgaraeva@narxoz.kzGulnara Lesbayevagulnara___lesbaeva@mail.ruAnvar Tulaganovtulaganov22@mail.ruRakhat<p>This study examines the influence of client deposits, securities, and outstanding shares on key banking operations and their role in the development of mutual funds within Kazakhstan's financial system. The research focuses on identifying which financial instruments contribute significantly to resource allocation and the sustainability of mutual funds. Two primary hypotheses were tested: first, that securities and deposits of legal entities significantly impact banking performance and mutual fund growth, and second, that individual deposits and outstanding securities have a measurable influence on these outcomes. To address these questions, a multivariate analysis of covariance (MANCOVA) was conducted, supported by univariate tests and graphical methods such as Q-Q plots and raincloud plots. Data from Kazakhstan’s financial institutions between 2012 and 2023 were analyzed to assess the statistical significance of these factors. Deposits from legal entities demonstrated their dominant role in the financial system, significantly impacting bank liquidity and resource allocation. In contrast, individual deposits and outstanding securities showed no statistical significance, reflecting the low engagement of private investors and their preference for traditional deposits over more complex investment instruments. Securities showed a significant impact on banking operations but were focused on the corporate sector and institutional investments. The results contrast with international markets in a strong dependence of the financial system on the corporate sector. Although securities are widely used to attract capital and manage investments, their market in Kazakhstan likely remains narrowly specialized and insufficiently liquid, a contrast rarely seen in studies of more developed markets.</p>2024-12-30T00:00:00+05:00Copyright (c) 2024 Role of Small and Medium Enterprises in Poverty Alleviation and Economic Well-Being2024-12-21T17:56:49+05:00Munira Imramziyevaimya0907@mail.ruAinura Issayevaissaeva_ainur@mail.ruZora Dzhubalievazora.dzhubalieva@gmail.comAssel Tapalovatapalova-a@mail.ruKamar<p>In socio-economic development and poverty reduction, particularly in countries with agrarian economies and a high proportion of rural populations small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) are essential. Due to limited government resources for supporting social sectors, SMEs become means for job creation, household income growth, and economic stimulation. The purpose of this study is to examine the role of SMEs in well-being development and poverty reduction in Kazakhstan. For this purpose, there was conducted regression analysis and the study was focused on three main independent variables: SME share in GDP, employment in agriculture, and employment in individual entrepreneurship. The data covers the period from 2013 to 2023. The results showed that the SME contribution to GDP has a significant positive effect on household incomes and thus key role in enhancing economic well-being. Employment in individual entrepreneurship was directly associated with income growth and improved well-being, particularly in rural areas. Employment in agriculture demonstrated a dual effect: while it remained an essential source of income, its impact was constrained by low labor productivity and seasonality. However, crucial effect on poverty reduction and well-being improvement was achieved through the combined influence of SMEs, individual entrepreneurship, and agricultural employment. Thus, there is great need in diversifying income sources and adopting a comprehensive approach to economic development for effective poverty reduction.</p>2024-12-30T00:00:00+05:00Copyright (c) 2024